On Sep 28, 10:15 pm, CakeONaut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi!
> I am using a Linux host and I'm putting a plain vanilla install of the
> latest stable Cake here:
> '/home/net4/public_html/tst/wwwroot/cake' and the app is in the same
> place: '/home/net4/public_html/tst/wwwroot/app'
> I have discovered that I absolutely do not understand what the
> following are and how exactly they map to the above:
>    define('APP_DIR', '??' );
>    define('ROOT', dirname(__FILE__));  (I don't have anything called
> "--FILE--" but it sure looks like Python. . . )
>    define('WEBROOT_DIR', '??');
>    define('WWW_ROOT', ROOT . DS . ???   ;

You know that you don't have to change those right?


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