
I work on application based on CakePHP and use ajaxHelper in one of my
forms for updating field (i've tried text_field, taxtarea_field,
block .... etc but same result) according to select_box change. I want
to show an address of a selected employer - employers list is in a
populated select box and when user select an employer I want the
address to be shown below select_box.
Here is snippets from the code:

/*******Layout of the form*****************/

print $form->input('CustomerTaxDetail.employers_id',
array('type'=>'select', 'label'=>'Employer', 'options'=>
$employersArray, 'showEmpty'=>false, 'size'=>4,
id'=>'employers','error'=>array('required'=>'Employer is obligatory',
'maxlength'=>'Employer code max length is 8 symbols',
'number'=>'Employer code must be a number')));

print '<div id="employer_address"> </div>';

print $ajax->observeField('employers', array('url'=>'/employers/
update_address', 'update'=>'employer_address',

/********End of layout*********************/

/****update_address function in EmployerController where I get the
employer address******/

        function update_address() {
                if(!empty($this->data['CustomerTaxDetail']['employers_id'])) {
                        $employer_id = (int)$this->data['CustomerTaxDetail']

/********End of function*********************/

/**********The View for update_address function*************/

if(!empty($address)) {
        print $address['Employer']['address'];

/************Enf of the View***************/

So the problem is that when I select an emploer from select_list and
the field below is populated with whole html of the default layout I'm
using and not only with employer's address. I've tried to make an
empty layout and use it in function update_address but then  the box
for the employer_address stays empty.

Finally my question is how to populate employer_address field only
with the address but not with whole layout/html.

Thanks in advance!

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