Well guys, I had to tweak it..But since yesterday, form the branch it
seems better ...I can send mails with attachments with the original
However there is one case a bit ennoying (not really a problem), but
if you send a mail as html without attachment..it display a warning
about my mail reader (Thunderbird) ..So maybe Thunderbird is not the
best after all..

I have removed all my patches, concerning  this component ... and I am
quite happy..

On Oct 19, 3:15 pm, luke BAKING barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hmm looking more closely at mine, I actually get a weird error.
> My layout is rendering, asHTML in the email, but the view is not.
> However - in the original (show original as I am looking at in GMail)
> the view HTML does show. I havent included anything weird, but I
> wonder if there is some missing encoding going on on the view part. I
> am looking at the email.php lines to see if I can fix this:
> function send($content = null, $template = null, $layout = null) {
>                 $this->__createHeader();
>                 $this->subject = $this->__encode($this->subject);
>                 if ($template) {
>                         $this->template = $template;
>                 }
>                 if ($layout) {
>                         $this->layout = $layout;
>                 }
>                 if (($template === null) && ($this->template === null)) {
>                         if (is_array($content)) {
>                                 $message = null;
>                                 foreach ($content as $key => $value) {
>                                         $message .= $value . $this->_newLine;
>                                 }
>                         } else {
>                                 $message = $content;
>                         }
>                         $this->__formatMessage($message);
>                 } else {
>                         $this->__message = $this->__renderTemplate($content);
>                 }
>                 if (!empty($this->attachments)) {
>                         $this->__attachFiles();
>                 }
>                 if (!is_null($this->__boundary)) {
>                         $this->__message .= $this->_newLine .'--' . 
> $this->__boundary .
> '--' . $this->_newLine . $this->_newLine;
>                 }
> somewhere in there lies why!
> Luke
> On Oct 19, 1:03 pm, luke BAKING barker <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi Francky,
> > I just had a similar bit of difficulty getting this going.
> > I don't think it is a bug though, there were a coupe of things:
> > 1) I had an absoulte filepath for my $attachment; but you must specify
> > a filepath (look at theemail.php code to see -- if there are no
> > filepaths it won't work, sO I just chanegd to relative path and
> > included the lines like so :
> > $this->Email->attachments[] = $poem['Poem']['filename'];
> > $this->Email->filePaths[] = WWW_ROOT . $this->Poem->uploads ;//
> > require this relative path prefix
> > 2) My install of PHP on my hosting didnt have mime_content_type (it is
> > deprecated and also I think needs magic.mime enabled in php.ini
> > so in my app/config/bootstrap I whacked this:
> > if (!function_exists('mime_content_type')) {
> >     function mime_content_type($file) {
> >                 return trim ( exec ('file -bi ' . escapeshellarg ( $file ) 
> > ) ) ;
> >     }
> > }
> > I might adjust this in fact as I don't like using exec, it was jsut to
> > get it working. (opinons on this function please!)
> > 3) it still didnt work but I was getting the attahcment inline;
> > garbled.
> > I noticed there was no newline though, and so in myemail/html/
> > default.ctp  email/text/default.ctp layouts
> >                 I added a newline at the end...
> > And SUCCESS! thanks for theEmailcomponentdevs :) makes it very
> > easy...
> > hth
> > Luke aka boobyWomack
> > On Oct 2, 11:17 pm, francky06l <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Does anyone succeed to send a 'text' message with an attached file
> > > using theEmailcomponent?
> > > I am using the cake1.2 from branch, and when attaching a file to a
> > > simple text mail, the "content" does not appear, the attachment is
> > > there.
> > > If I remove the attachment, the content is there. Same results using
> > > "html", also after trying to send a template.
> > > I use UTF-8 charset, very simple default layout (text is just <?php
> > > echo $content_for_layout; ?> ).
> > > I am using Thunderbird, and looking at the message source, actually
> > > the content is there but not showing.
> > > Seems to be a story of boundary / new lines, but mail protocol is not
> > > my cup of tea.
> > > Anyone experienced this and maybe give me some hints ?
> > > Thanks

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