That fixed it!  Thank's for the quick answer!

On Oct 23, 9:22 am, Grant Cox <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I don't think this functionality has changed recently.  If you search
> this list you will find many instances of this - it has behaved this
> way for as long as I can remember.
> To fix, you need to add
> RewriteBase /reviews
> to your /app/webroot/.htaccess file (just after the RewriteEngine On
> line).  You may also need to add
> define ('WEBROOT_DIR', 'reviews');
> to your /app/webroot/index.php.  This was certainly the case when I
> last used aliases (admittedly some time ago now).
> On Oct 23, 11:13 pm, Kick The Donkey <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I'm running into a bit of a problem with the latest stable version.
> > It seems like Cake is assuming it's "installed" to work from
> > webroot.
> > I have the cake directory installed in /opt.  So, under /opt/cake I
> > have:
> > /opt/cake/app
> > /opt/cake/cake
> > /opt/cake/docs
> > /opt/cake/vendors
> > /opt/cake/index.php
> > So, I run bake (from /opt/cake): php ./cake/scripts/bake.php -project
> > reviews
> > That generates the skeleton.  In my apache config file, I setup an
> > alias:
> > Alias /reviews/ "/opt/cake/reviews/webroot/"
> > <Directory "/opt/cake/reviews/webroot">
> >     Options Indexes FollowSymLinks
> >     AllowOverride All
> >     Order allow,deny
> >     Allow from all
> > </Directory>
> > When I restart apache,http://localhost/reviews/givesme the startup
> > page, but with no css.  when I look at the generated source, I have
> > this for the css line:
> > <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/css/cake.generic.css" />
> > Which, of course, should be:
> > <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="/reviews/css/
> > cake.generic.css" />
> > I went ahead and proceeded with baking my models, views, and
> > controllers, and I had similar results with all the action links going
> > to "/controller/action" as opposed to "/reviews/controller/action".
> > How can  I get cake to use the relative path instead of thinking it's
> > in the webroot?  Or did I bake this wrong?
> > Thanks,
> > KTD

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