Yes, I realized that :)

I copied that line into my routes file and went to project/posts/1
instead of project/posts/view/1 and it says post not found, so I
assume there is more than just sticking that line in the routes file.
Also is there something to pass the method in the views? For instance
if I wanted to create an html link to delete how could I pass the
correct resource type for that link?

Thanks again for all the great work, I love this framework!

On Oct 23, 8:02 pm, nate <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> As with most Router methods, this one is called in config/routes.php.
> On Oct 23, 8:21 am, dizz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > How is Router::mapResources('Posts'); used in the Controller and in
> > the views?
> > Larry E. Masters aka PhpNut wrote:
> > > We have some new releases available for download. Version [1] 
> > > is
> > > a bug fix update to the current stable release. Version 
> > > pre-beta
> > > [2] is the pre beta release of the current development version.
> > > We decided to have pre beta since a lot of new features have been added
> > > since the last alpha release. There are still some new features to
> > > implement, so we are holding the beta release until all the enhancement
> > > tickets are closed. This release took a little bit longer than expected, 
> > > but
> > > we say it was worth the wait.
> > > As usual, this release includes hundreds of minor fixes, enhancements, and
> > > speed improvements.  This release also includes several major feature
> > > additions, which we've been working hard on to implement so CakePHP 
> > > remains
> > > the best framework for web application development in PHP.
> > > A number of important features were added to improve support for
> > > implementing web services, including simplified REST routing, i.e.:
> > > Router::mapResources('posts');
> > > This will map each HTTP request to it's corresponding controller method
> > > (index, view, add, edit or delete).  For example, a PUT request to 
> > > /posts/1
> > > maps to the edit() method of PostsController.  In addition, the Router now
> > > supports a whole range of HTTP header detection options.  Controlling 
> > > access
> > > to your web services is easier than ever, too.  The Security component now
> > > supports HTTP basic and digest authentication, which is easily 
> > > configurable
> > > in your controller's beforeFilter() method.
> > > The Auth component has also undergone extensive refactoring, making it
> > > possible for you to plug in your own custom login authentication method or
> > > access control system.
> > > In the first of several major changes to the Model, findCount() and
> > > findAll() are being replaced by the new find() syntax.  This new syntax
> > > allows you to specify parameters as an array, like the following:
> > > Post->find('count', array('conditions' => array('Post.comments_count' => 
> > > '<
> > > 20'));
> > > Post->find('first', array('conditions' => array('Post.comments_count' => 
> > > '<
> > > 20'), 'order' => ' ASC'));
> > > Post->find('all', array('limit' => 10, 'order' => ' ASC'));
> > > Pagination flexibility has also been improved with the addition of
> > > Model::paginate(), and Model::paginateCount(), which you can define in 
> > > your
> > > models to handle custom pagination.  Each method takes the same parameters
> > > as findAll() and findCount(), respectively.
> > > Also in the database department, schema generation has been implemented 
> > > for
> > > several databases.  Schema generation allows you to create and edit your
> > > database schemas with your favorite tool, and Cake's schema tools will
> > > manage the changes for you.
> > > In an ongoing effort to improve the flexibility of Cake's (minimalistic)
> > > configuration, most of the constants in core.php have been migrated to
> > > settings in the Configure class.  Check out the latest version of
> > > core.phpand update your app's configuration accordingly.  To help you
> > > identify the
> > > settings that should be changed, friendly warning messages have been added
> > > to point you in the right direction.
> > > In addition to code, the docs team has been hard at work over the past few
> > > months improving the documentation, and along with this release, we're now
> > > ready to unveil the pre-beta version of the CakePHP 1.2 manual, at
> > >  There are still many things missing, but if
> > > you find any errors, please submit documentation tickets.
> > > And last but certainly not least, significant work has done to lay the
> > > foundation for full, PHP-native Unicode support in CakePHP. This means we 
> > > do
> > > not have to wait for PHP6 to make it possible to fully internationalize 
> > > your
> > > PHP application on any platform, independent of installed extensions.
> > > With all these new features, we hope you agree that CakePHP 1.2 pre-beta 
> > > was
> > > worth the wait.  This will be the last release before the 1.2 API is fully
> > > stabilized, and we can't wait for you to try it.
> > > [1] Download
> > >
> > >     1.1.x.x change long:
> > > [2] Download pre-beta:
> > >
> > >     1.2.x.x change log:
> > > --
> > > /**
> > > * @author Larry E. Masters
> > > * @var string $userName
> > > * @param string $realName
> > > * @returns string aka PhpNut
> > > * @access  public
> > > */

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