On Nov 5, 4:33 pm, Claudia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi there
> I have three models that are chained with belongsTo in one direction
> and hasMany in the other direction:
> Model1 belongsTo Model2 belongsTo Model3
> and
> Model3 hasMany Model2 hasMany Model1
> Now I need to query model1 and also get the related data from model2
> and model3 which can be easily achieved by settings model1->recursive
> = 2 and then use model1->findall.
> The resulting SQL ( I use postgres but mysql should be similar):
> Cake makes a join on the model1 and model2, keeps the resulting ids of
> the entries in model2, then makes a query for each of these ids on
> model2 and a query for the related model3.
> This causes two problems:
> a) I cannot restrict the result depending on some columns on model3 as
> the first query fails with 'missing from-clause entry for table
> model3'.

Some interesting reading:

> b) The query is really inefficient: Example: If the first query
> returns 10 results we need 21 queries for in total (the join query and
> then 10 queries each for model2 and model3). We could get the same
> result by having only one query which uses a left join for joining
> model1 and model2 and another left join for joining model2 and model3.
> I have found a trac issue regarding this but it was closed as 
> wontfix:https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/2931

Reducing the number of queries isn't the be all and end all. as
clearly stated in that ticket if you attach a patch to it it'll be
marked as an enhancement and considered.



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