Must be the s from pluralize with $module['Module']['name'] beeing

On 8 Nov., 17:57, mbavio <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi, i´m trying to add a menu using renderElement, all works fine
> except that Cake is adding an 's' before the generated code... Is it a
> bug? Or i´m a bug?
> Here is the code...
> In layout 'backend.ctp':
> <ul id="menu">
> <?php echo $this->element('admin_menu');?>
> </ul>
> In element 'admin_menu.ctp':
> <?php
> $modules = $this->requestAction('modules/createMenu');
> foreach($modules as $module):
>                 $moduleLabel = $module['Module']['label'];
>                 $moduleLink = Inflector::pluralize($module['Module']['name']);
>                 echo "<li>";
>                 echo $html->link("$moduleLabel", "/admin/$moduleLink/", 
> array("id"
> => "menu$moduleLabel"));
>                 echo "</li>\n";
> endforeach;
> ?>
> In controller 'modules_controller':
> function createMenu() {
>                 $modules = $this->Module->findAll();
>                 if(isset($this->params['requested'])) {
>              return $modules;
>         }
>         $this->set(compact('modules'));
>     }
> Here is the HTML generated:
> <ul id="menu">
>                         s<li><a href="/cake/admin/generals/"  
> id="menuGenerales">Generales</
> a></li>
> <li><a href="/cake/admin/listings/"  id="menuPropiedades">Propiedades</
> a></li>
> <li><a href="/cake/admin/helps/"  id="menuAyuda">Ayuda</a></li>
>                         </ul>
> The fuck*** s is located after the oppening of the ul...
> Anybody has a clue about this?
> Thanks.

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