A little solution: in the view, I add "echo $form-
>error('Article.contenu);" under "echo $form-
>textarea('Article.contenu'); " !
But this is not very useful compare to the input fields method.
Why adding "echo->label" and "echo->error" to manage textarea error
message displaying?

Excuse me for my simple English...



On 8 nov, 18:24, avairet <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi everybody,
> I'm French and I'm using CakePhp 1.2 since one month.
> I don't understand why the validation error messages are not
> displaying for a textarea field...
> My model:
> [code]
> class Article extends AppModel {
>         public $name = 'Article';
>         public $validate = array (
>       'titre' =>
>                                         array(
>                                 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
>                                 'message' => 'Le titre est obligatoire !'
>                                         ),
>                 'contenu' =>
>                                         array(
>                                 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
>                                 'message' => 'Le contenu est obligatoire !'
>                                         ),
>                 'auteur' =>
>                                         array(
>                                 'rule' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
>                                 'message' => 'L\'auteur est obligatoire !'
>                                         )
>    );}
> [/code]
> And my view :
> [code]
> <h2>Ajout article</h2>
> <?= $errorMessage; ?>
> <form id="AjoutArticle" method="post" action="<?php echo $html->url('/
> admin/articles/add/')?>">
> <?php
> echo $form->input('Article.titre');
> echo $form->input('Article.sous_titre');
> echo $form->label('Article.chapeau', 'Chapeau');
> echo $form->textarea('Article.chapeau');
> echo $form->label('Article.contenu', 'Contenu');
> echo $form->textarea('Article.contenu');
> echo $form->input('Article.auteur');
> echo $form->submit('Enregistrer');
> ?>
> </form>
> [/code]
> For the input fields, the validation is OK and the error message is
> displayed.
> For the textarea, the validation is OK but the error message is not
> displayed??

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