Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
by (output started at /home/aidap5/public_html/tyh/chembay/app/
controllers/components/pagination.php:490) [CORE/cake/libs/controller/
controller.php, line 503]

Context | Code
$this   =       array("scaffold" => null, "name" => "Users", "components" =>
array, "helpers" => array, "layout" => "default", "uses" => array,
"here" => "/chembay/users/add", "webroot" => "/chembay/", "action" =>
"add", "params" => array, "data" => null, "paginate" => array,
"viewPath" => "users", "layoutPath" => null, "viewVars" => array,
"pageTitle" => false, "modelNames" => array, "base" => "/chembay",
"autoRender" => false, "autoLayout" => true, "view" => "View", "ext"
=> ".ctp", "__viewClass" => null, "output" => null, "plugin" => null,
"cacheAction" => false, "persistModel" => false, "webservices" =>
null, "passedArgs" => array, "_log" => null, "modelClass" => "User",
"modelKey" => "user", "Pagination" => array, "Session" => array,
"User" => array, "Product" => array, "Level2" => array, "Level1" =>
$url    =       "/Users/login"
$status =       null
$exit   =       false
$c      =       "Session"
$path   =       array(0 => "Session")



        if ($url !== null) {

            header('Location: ' . Router::url($url, true));


header - [internal], line ??
Controller::redirect() - CORE/cake/libs/controller/controller.php,
line 503
UsersController::__validateLoginStatus() - CORE/app/controllers/
users_controller.php, line 126
UsersController::beforeFilter() - CORE/app/controllers/
users_controller.php, line 15
Dispatcher::start() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 320
Dispatcher::dispatch() - CORE/cake/dispatcher.php, line 234
[main] - CORE/app/webroot/index.php, line 84
0 query took ms Nr Query Error Affected Num. rows Took (ms)

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