
Ah, finally found the right reference. Don't know how I missed it on
the first time through the CakePHP manual but I plan on re-reading it
anyway . The "var $uses =  " is the solution.  Thanks anyway, and
sorry for the extra  noise...........;-)


On Nov 14, 5:18 pm, ldb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> G'day
> I feel that I am somewhat standing in front of a forest shooting at
> it, hoping to hit a tree looking for what would cause the following. I
> am hoping I've just  missed something in my usage of CakePHP here and
> someone can refer me to the right doc.
> I have a controller  called "model_alternates_controller.php" which
> contains the following lines (amoung others):
>                 $this->ModelAlternate->recursive = 0;
>                 $this->set('modelAlternates', 
> $this->ModelAlternate->findAll());
>                 $this->set('tirelist', $this->ModelAlternate-
> >generateList( ));
> I have two views defined in the following structure:
>                  app/views/model_alternates/index.thtml
>                  app/views/models/index.thtml
> In app/views/model_alternates/index.thtml, I have the following:
>             <div>
>                      <?php
>                          echo $html->selectTag('ModelAlternate/
> alt_model_id', $tirelist, null, array('Model_Number' =>
> 'model_alternates'));
>                            ?>
>             </div>
> This works fine in the models_alternates view but putting the same
> lines in the "models/index.thtml" just gives me "Notice: Undefined
> variable: tirelist in </cakehome/app/views/models/index.thtml on line
> 16". It uses the same controller, maybe I am fighting the naming
> conventions between models/controllers and views?
> I was originally trying to set up display that when a model code was
> selected, the other box of "alternate choices" would change according
> to the contents of that table. But the model_alternates  table has an
> autoincrement key as the primary. I was trying what I had read about
> for setting that scenario up and it was not working so I set this up
> as a "smaller" test to make sure I hadn't misunderstood the basics of
> the selects in CakePHP. I figure I missed reading something but have
> been reading alot today, mostly wrong turns but very educational ones.
> Can anyone please tell me which grove of trees to aim for?
> Thanks.......
> --
> ldb

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