Thanks but i have tried all of them..

I use nightly build, i have set the core.php config for cache, the
dirs are there and writable.. i just don't know what to do anymore :|
it does run ok when it is in the same dir.. only not when i place cake
in a outside dir.. then it can't read the cache config anymore :(

Even with the exact smae config you posted still the problem:

Warning: Cache not configured properly. Please check Cache::config();
in APP/config/core.php in C:\wamp\www\cake_1.2\cake\bootstrap.php on
line 53

Fatal error: Call to undefined method Cache::config() in C:\wamp\www
\cake_1.2\cake\bootstrap.php on line 54

On Nov 16, 1:44 am, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Nov 15, 2007 6:25 PM, Mech7 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Did anybody allready found a fix for this? 1.2 still does not want to
> > run with me outside the app dir :|
> Perhaps I'm just lucky and Murphy is smiling down on me from above,
> but I am using the latest version of CakePHP via SVN *and* have my
> cake directory outside of app and I have NO problems getting my stuff
> to work.
> I followed all the notices that Cake threw when I updated the Cake
> core, changed the code that it mentioned and that was it.  Really.  In
> fact, here's my config file for everyone to see:
> I continue to be baffled by the problems people seem to be
> experiencing when my own configuration has been just fine.  I've found
> three things that help
> 1) pay attention to the warning messages that CakePHP spits out as
> they usually point at the problem
> When I upgraded, I saw lots of warnings about deprecated functionality
> and suggestions on how to get rid of those problems.  Those error
> messages are there for a reason, ignore them at your own peril.  They
> tell you EXACTLY what to do.
> 2) permissions for the tmp directory really do matter
> Use the firehose permission level if you're on some sort of UNIXy
> system:  chmod -R 777 $APP/tmp
> 3) make sure you do your dev work with the debug level to 1 and save
> debug level 0 for your production apps.
> That little tip will mean you will never have to mess around with
> deleting and recreating your $APP/tmp directory.
> I hope this helps those who seem to be struggling to get their CakePHP
> configurations to work properly.  I did all the things above I
> mentioned and continue to have smooth sailing whenever I upgrade from
> SVN (which is usually every morning).
> --
> Chris Hartjes
> My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> @TheKeyboard -
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