I am working on an ecommerce site using v1.2 and I am having a weird
problem with anything static pages run through the pages

The navigation is set up to dynamically pull the product information
from the database to create all of the necessary links. I currently
have the appController set like this:

class AppController extends Controller
        var $components = array('Session');
        var $uses = array('Product');

        function beforeFilter()
                $subProducts = $this->Product-
>findAll('Product.status='.PRODUCT_ACTIVE,null,null,2); // this is
line 48 referred to in the error below
                $this->set('subProducts', $subProducts);

 It works for perfectly for any of the pages that are run through any
of the other controllers, but the pages controller gives me this

Fatal error: Call to a member function on a non-object in
(directory_path)/app/app_controller.php on line 48

Just as an experiment I set $uses = array('Product'); in the pages
controller and the dynamic navigation worked, but as expected I get
the missing model error for pages.

It seems like setting $uses = null; in the pages controller is
overriding the $uses=array('Product'); in the app controller and
causing the $this->Products fatal call to a member functionon a non-

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to deal with this?
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