I've been working on something similar, though not as featured (by
default) as yours.  I was calling it skeletor, because it is bare
bones, yet has everything that 90% of my sites will need, and from
there I can add on the differences.  Nearly every site worthy of a
framework will probably have user management.  check.  Gotta have an
admin area for said user managment.  check.  While I have an admin
area, why not develop a plugin structure, so that each plugin's
settings will also appear in the admin area, automatically once
installed (kinda like wordpress).  check.  That's about it for the
default, back end wise.

And then the basic stuff.  In my opinion, having a header, footer, and
some lorem ipsum already there in the default template, with no style,
just basic positioning (footers are usually centered), is good.  Most
sites will have links to Legal, Site Policy, Help, etc in the footer
as well, so go ahead and have that, and go from there.  Depending on
content, screen.css, print.css, and reset.css, already included in the
HEAD, with blank files already existing.

That's about as far as I got, and I didn't really finish.  I just
wanted that basic stuff.  If I wanted a cart, i'd try adding it with
an encapsulated plugin.  If I wanted a blog, or the ability to post to
the front page, it might involve a combination of a plugin, and adding
an INCLUDE tag in my DIV of choice on the front page.

Yeah, I could just start with Drupal, but I lack the aptitude to
decipher all that source code method and modify it for my needs.
Besides, building it myself is a great learning experience, and I
think of my approach as somewhere in the middle of a blank CakePHP
app, and a complex Drupal install.  Best of both worlds.

On Nov 23, 1:50 am, keymaster <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Well, finally starting to plan what I really should have done some
> time ago.... organize an application boilerplate which can be reused
> from client to client.
> Just an attempt to be a little more efficient in development, DRY
> style. I'm sure many of you have thought the same thing at some time.
> So, in thinking of all the things most clients would need, I came up
> with the following list which would go into this boilerplate:
> user management,
> ajax support - turning off debug info being displayed during ajax
> request,
> site offlining,
> cron dispatcher,
> session expiry management,
> access control,
> input/url sanitization,
> admin panel generation,
> cms plugin,
> catalog plugin (ie. search, list, detail),
> cart plugin,
> all the useful omponents/helpers/behaviors and tricks that I can find
> on the bakery or wherever,
> etc.
> Then as each new client comes along, I pop in the boilerplate app
> folder, and in a plug-in I would put the client specific code. That
> way, if I ever update the boilerplate, it is easier to migrate over.
> Just put in the new boilerplate app folder, and copy in the client
> plugin.
> With this lofty goal in mind, I thought I would open up to the
> community and see what other people's thinking is.
> What would you put in your boilerplate, and how would you structure
> it ?
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