hi designvoid,

I would suggest you that you get that script. In my experience of
using CakePHP, I found it very useful. But I started using that script
before CakePHP 1.2 came into existence and continuing to still use it
in 1.2. You might also want to see if 1.2 has any such functionality.


On Nov 23, 1:49 pm, designvoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'm not using that script, I'm relatively new to Cake, making good
> progress but this has stumped me...
> Is that script needed to do what I want? Or is there a way in vanilla
> Cake?
> t.
> On Nov 23, 6:19 pm, bingo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I guess you need to set  (assuming you are using unbindModel 
> > scripthttp://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/an-improvement-to-unbindmodel...)
> > $this->Product->Variations->expects('Options);
> > $this->Product->expects('Variations);
> > $this->set('products', $this->Product->findAll());
> > bingo
> > On Nov 23, 12:59 pm, designvoid <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hi all,
> > > I'm having a wierd issue when trying to use 3 models together via 1
> > > findAll()... I'll paste the code then, explain what's happening,
> > > fingers crossed one I you fine folk will be able to give a me a
> > > pointer as to what I'm missing...
> > > Basic overview:
> > > Products has multiple Variations and Variations have multiple Options
> > > Code:
> > > class Product extends AppModel {
> > >    var $name = 'Product';
> > >    var $primaryKey = 'p_id';
> > >     var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Variations' =>
> > >                                    array('className'    =>
> > > 'Variation',
> > >                                          'joinTable'    =>
> > > 'products_variations',
> > >                                          'foreignKey'   => 'p_id',
> > >                                          'associationForeignKey'=>
> > > 'v_id',
> > >                                          'conditions'   => '',
> > >                                          'order'        => '',
> > >                                          'limit'        => '',
> > >                                          'unique'       => true,
> > >                                          'finderQuery'  => '',
> > >                                          'deleteQuery'  => '',
> > >                                    )
> > >                                 );
> > > }
> > > --------------------------------------
> > > class Variation extends AppModel
> > > {
> > >     var $name = 'Variation';
> > >     var $primaryKey = 'v_id';
> > >     var $hasMany = array('Options' =>
> > >                      array('className'     => 'VariationOption',
> > >                            'conditions'    => '',
> > >                            'order'         => '',
> > >                            'limit'         => '',
> > >                            'foreignKey'    => 'vo_v_id',
> > >                            'dependent'     => '',
> > >                            'exclusive'     => '',
> > >                            'finderQuery'   => '',
> > >                            'fields'        => '',
> > >                            'offset'        => '',
> > >                            'counterQuery'  => ''
> > >                      )
> > >               );
> > > }
> > > --------------------------------------
> > > class VariationOption extends AppModel
> > > {
> > >     var $name = 'VariationOption';
> > >     var $primaryKey = 'vo_id';
> > > }
> > > -----------------------------------------------------
> > > Now when I run:
> > >         $this->Product->recursive = 3;
> > >         $this->set('products', $this->Product->findAll());
> > > I only get the following back:
> > > Array
> > > (
> > >     [0] => Array
> > >         (
> > >             [Product] => Array
> > >                 (
> > >                     [p_id] => 1
> > >                     [p_name] => A Jumper
> > >                     [p_description] => Its a lovely wooly jumper for
> > > the winter
> > >                     [p_image] => jumper.jpg
> > >                     [p_price] => 10.00
> > >                 )
> > >             [Variations] => Array
> > >                 (
> > >                     [0] => Array
> > >                         (
> > >                             [v_id] => 1
> > >                             [v_name] => Sizes
> > >                         )
> > >                 )
> > >         )
> > > --------------------
> > > Now to my reckoning there should be an Options array under
> > > Variations...
> > > Hope its something simple I've missed and someone can put me straight!
> > > Thanks in advance,
> > > d.- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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