it outputs "app\controllers\orders_controller.php (line 41)" and an
empty yellow box.

I am on version pre-beta

On Nov 30, 12:27 pm, "Dardo Sordi Bogado" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> what version?
> Try debug($this->data) in beforeFilter;
> 2007/11/30, Luke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > I am not sure what I did, but for some reason the edit action isn't
> > working in any of my controllers. It keeps telling me "Invalid id for
> > Order::edit()". Why would it be doing that? Here is an example
> > controller:
> > <?php
> > class OrderItemsController extends AppController {
> >         var $name = 'OrderItems';
> >         var $uses = array('OrderItem', 'Order');
> >         var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form' );
> >         var $scaffold;
> > }
> > ?>
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