Ok, I can't seem to solve this problem for the life of me. I have a
User model and a Zipcode model. Zipcode hasMany users. I want them to
join on User.zip = Zipcode.zip. I have to join on Zipcode.zip and not
Zipcode.id because a zipcode can have many rows because of several
city names, etc. I know this is not normalized, but it is much easier
like this. So I have a hasMany association that looks like this:

        var $hasMany = array('User' =>
                                        array('className'    => 'User',
                                                  'conditions'   => '',
                                                  'order'        => '',
                                                  'dependent'    =>  true,
                                                  'foreignKey'   => '',
                                                  'finderQuery'  => '   SELECT *
                FROM users as User
                JOIN zipcodes as Zipcode ON (User.zip = Zipcode.zip)'

I tried using the finderQuery after doing foreignKey => 'zip' didn't
work. I also had a belongsTo Zipcode in User with foreignKey =>
'zip' :

        var $belongsTo = array('Zipcode' =>
                        array('className'    => 'Zipcode',
                              'conditions'   => '',
                              'order'        => '',
                              'dependent'    =>  true,
                                                          'foreignKey'   => 

With everything that I've tried, when I do a $this->Zipcode->User-
>findAll, or try to paginate with $this->Zipcode->User, it tries to
join on User.zip = Zipcode.id instead of Zipcode.zip.

Any help is much appreciated.

PS- I'm using Cake 1.2
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