No good im afraid, same error, except ugroup_id is now ugroupid

Notice: Undefined property: UsersController::$Ugroup in C:\server\www
\cake\basic_site\plugins\users\controllers\users_controller.php on
line 34

Fatal error: Call to a member function findByUgroupid() on a non-
object in C:\server\www\cake\basic_site\plugins\users\controllers
\users_controller.php on line 34

On Dec 12, 7:31 pm, chad <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> try findByUgroupId
> On Dec 11, 10:08 pm, Sanfly <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Ive only just started mucking around with CakePHP, and am having a
> > little trouble getting my head around the controllers and models
> > thingees.  YES - I have tried looking in the manual!!
> > Im trying to make a cake website that will more or less mirror some
> > normal-non-framework php sites I have done.
> > There is a table called users where all normal user data is stored
> > (see below for table structure).  The ugroup table contains a
> > ugroup_name and a number of "permissions" that dictate what the user
> > will be able to access on the site.  The ugroup_id field in users
> > indicates which ugroup the user belongs to.
> > When the person logs in, I first want it to check that the user_name
> > and user_pass are valid, then access the ugroups table to set the
> > ugroup data (permissions) as sessions, which can then be called when I
> > like throughout the rest of the site.
> > users_controller.php
> > -----------------------------------------
> > <?php
> > class UsersController extends AppController
> > {
> >     function login()
> >     {
> >         $this->set('error', false);
> >         if (!empty($this->data))
> >         {
> >             $someone = $this->User->findByUser_name($this->data['User']
> > ['user_name']);
> >             if(!empty($someone['User']['user_pass']) &&
> > $someone['User']['user_pass'] == md5($this->data['User']
> > ['user_pass']))
> >             {
> >                 $this->Session->write('User', $someone['User']);
> >                                 // Here is the code that is giving me 
> > problems
> >                                 $perms = 
> > $this->Ugroup->findByUgroup_id($someone['User']
> > ['user_group']);
> >                                 if($perms['Ugroup']['perm_admin'] == "1"){
> >                                         $this->redirect('/pages/admin/');
> >                                 }
> >                                 else{
> >                                         $this->redirect('/');
> >                                 }
> >                                 // End Problem code
> >             }
> >             else
> >             {
> >                $this->set('error', true);
> >             }
> >         }
> >     }
> >     function logout()
> >     {
> >        $this->Session->delete('User');
> >         $this->redirect('/');
> >     }}
> > ?>
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > However, this code gives me an error:
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > Notice: Undefined property: UsersController::$Ugroup in C:\server\www
> > \cake\basic_site\plugins\users\controllers\users_controller.php on
> > line 34
> > Fatal error: Call to a member function findByUgroup_id() on a non-
> > object in C:\server\www\cake\basic_site\plugins\users\controllers
> > \users_controller.php on line 34
> > ----------------------------------------------------------
> > Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this?  Sorry, but
> > my cake knowledge is very limited and Im having trouble finding "cake
> > for dummies" tutorials :s
> > Thanks for any help :)
> > ------------------------------------------------------
> > My tables:
> > CREATE TABLE `users` (
> >   `user_id` int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   `user_name` varchar(70) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `user_pass` varchar(70) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `ugroup_id` int(25) NOT NULL,
> >   `user_email` varchar(50) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `user_active` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `user_logged` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
> >   `user_display` varchar(30) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `user_joined` datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00',
> >   `user_access` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `user_bio` text NOT NULL,
> >   `user_web` varchar(200) NOT NULL,
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (`user_id`),
> >   KEY `ugroup_id` (`ugroup_id`)
> > ALTER TABLE `users`
> >   ADD CONSTRAINT `users_ibfk_1` FOREIGN KEY (`ugroup_id`) REFERENCES
> > `ugroups` (`ugroup_id`);
> > CREATE TABLE `ugroups` (
> >   `ugroup_id` int(25) NOT NULL auto_increment,
> >   `ugroup_name` varchar(70) NOT NULL default '',
> >   `ugroup_rank` int(10) NOT NULL,
> >   `perm_admin` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_configweb` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_setperm` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_adduser` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_edituser` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_viewuserhidden` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_viewusers` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_addgroup` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_editgroup` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   `perm_viewgroup` enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0',
> >   PRIMARY KEY  (`ugroup_id`)

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