I have tested the option 2 and it works as expected.
- The structure of tables and $belongsTo variable that you proposed
were kept unchanged.
- Small modification: under score is used for the foreign keys (e.g.
opening_id). I reviewed the cake core and found out that generatList()
detects only foreign keys having '_id' in name.
generateList()  ignores your foreignKey statements (e.g. 'foreignKey'
=> 'openingid' etc.)

- You can try abba bryant's approach. However the main point here is:
the naming for foreign keys and the generateList's ignorance of the
foreginKey statements and conditions specified for $belongsTo  (I dont
see these 'secrets' documented any where)

Here is the code I tested:

class Letter extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'Letter';
        var $belongsTo = array(
                        'Opening' => array('className' =>
'foreignKey' => 'opening_id',
                        'Middle' => array('className' =>
'foreignKey' => 'middle_id',
                        'Ending' => array('className' =>
'foreignKey' => 'ending_id',


class LetterContent extends AppModel {
        var $name = 'LetterContent';


class LettersController extends AppController {

        var $name = 'Letters';
        var $uses = array('Letter', 'LetterContent');
        var $helpers = array('Html', 'Form' );
  function add() {
        if (!empty($this->data)) {
                if ($this->Letter->save($this->data)) {
                        $this->flash('Letter saved.',
                } else {
         //the statements below are the same for 'edit' method
        $openings = $this->Letter->Opening-
        $middles = $this->Letter->Middle-
        $endings = $this->Letter->Ending-
        $this->set(compact('openings', 'middles', 'endings'));


<?php echo $form->create('Letter');?>
                <legend><?php __('Add');?> <?php __('Letter');?></
                echo $form->input('opening_id');
                echo $form->input('middle_id');
                echo $form->input('ending_id');
<?php echo $form->end('Submit');?>

Good luck
P/S: I like your table structure and the way you defined $belongsTo.

On Dec 10, 8:03 pm, Santa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I considered option 2 as I believe this is a fairly straight forward
> model and it should be handled quite easily by cake. I have completed
> the "baking" as per your "recipe" and here is what I have come up
> with.
> When I bake the controller and the views, it gives me an error in the
> controller. Let me explain. Because the model describes the
> letter_content for all three sections (opening, middle, closing) by
> the array key, but references the same model for each section, the
> controller bakes the following with the generateList() function:
> $this->set('openings', $this->Letter->Opening->generateList());
> $this->set('middles', $this->Letter->Middle->generateList());
> $this->set('endings', $this->Letter->Ending->generateList());
> So now when I access the edit page, I get the following:
> Notice: Undefined property: Letter::$Opening
> Fatal error: Call to a member function generateList() on a non-object
> This is apparently due to the idea that $this->Letter->Opening is not
> really an object. Or is it?
> So, with some creative license and knowing that I needed LetterContent
> to fill in these areas, I update the controller to use the
> LetterContent model:
> var $uses = array('Letter', 'LetterContent');
> And then I update the generateList as follows: (notice the change in
> the reference to the LetterContent model and the addition of the
> conditions in the generateList function)
> $this->set('openings', $this->LetterContent->generateList("`letter_section` = 
> 'Opening'"));
> $this->set('middles', $this->LetterContent->generateList("`letter_section` = 
> 'Middle'"));
> $this->set('endings', $this->LetterContent-
> >generateList("`letter_section` = 'Ending'"));
> Now I can access the edit view and things are looking good except for
> one issue. Now all three drop downs (Opening, Middle, Ending) are
> populated with only openings. This is close to how things started, but
> instead of showing all letter_content in every drop down, I get all
> openings in every letter_content drop down.
> It seems like cake should handle this, and I know it is due to my
> inability to understand how it should be done. I don't want to have to
> strip out each table if it can be avoided. I am still sticking to my
> original thoughts that this is a simple model, very clear and concise,
> and is the best wat to maintain the tables to keep it easily
> understandable. It conforms to 3NF and is a valid schema.
> What am I missing?  Any other ideas?
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