Hi Bakers!

After a long break from development, Im back at it, and I have a
problem querying my models.

I want to get all client records, where their associated invoiceitems
(client hasMany invoiceitems) have a particular condition.

Now, If I do

$this->Client->findAll("name='some name' ")

All is well, my invoice table is joined in one query, and all the
others are joined in their own queries too:

SELECT `Client`.`id`, `Client`.`name`, `Client`.`address`,
`Client`.`postcode`, `Client`.`contact`, `Client`.`email`,
`Client`.`method`, `Client`.`paymentterms`, `Client`.`signedinvoices`
FROM `clients` AS `Client` WHERE name='some name'               1       1       0
2       SELECT `Invoiceitem`.`id`, `Invoiceitem`.`client_id`,
`Invoiceitem`.`date`, `Invoiceitem`.`description`,
`Invoiceitem`.`cost`, `Invoiceitem`.`quantity`,
`Invoiceitem`.`invoice_id`, `Invoiceitem`.`type`,
`Invoiceitem`.`service_category_id`, `Invoiceitem`.`user_id` FROM
`invoiceitems` AS `Invoiceitem` WHERE `Invoiceitem`.`client_id` IN

But when I try to add conditions for the associated Invoiceitem:

SELECT `Client`.`id`, `Client`.`name`, `Client`.`address`,
`Client`.`postcode`, `Client`.`contact`, `Client`.`email`,
`Client`.`method`, `Client`.`paymentterms`, `Client`.`signedinvoices`
FROM `clients` AS `Client` WHERE name='some name' AND invoice_id IS

1054: Unknown column 'invoice_id' in 'where clause'

These conditions are inserted in the first query, only for the Client
table, which of course fails.

I've tried this with adding the table name, no change (1054: Unknown
column 'Invoiceitem.invoice_id' in 'where clause'), and specifying
with the new expects behaviour exactly which models use.

What's the Cake way to add conditions for the associated model??


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