Thanks a lot, I read the ticket, and this probably explains what I am

In latest 1.2.x trunk r5933, when the Security.level is set to "high"
then the session id is regenerated for every request. However,
browsers (both FF2 and IE7) only update their session cookie for page
loads - not for media loads (ie CSS / JS / IMG).

I still don't understand why it works for static image links but oh
well. Supposedly this was fixed in the r5982 but the latest version I
can find on the cakephp website is anyone know where I can
get the new version?


On Dec 19, 12:57 pm, djiize <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> some days 
> ago:
> (look at Grant Cox's message)
> On 19 déc, 20:23, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > "What was the answer you were looking for?"
> > I am looking for something helpful and you've responded both times
> > with a whole bunch of nothing, you've spent a lot of time writing when
> > you should have said to yourself "I don't really know anything that
> > can help so I'll leave this post to someone that does."
> > I'll state again that I realize that it is the code and I'm looking
> > for something constructive that can help me narrow down what the
> > problem with.
> > The img and href tags are properly formed and work fine when they
> > point to a static url, however, whenever I include
> > data passed from the controller in them, it will cause the 
> > $this->Session->check('User') to fail in the controller. The page renders
> > correctly, the tags are formed correctly and work, they just cause the
> > session check to fail.
> > Also, I can include any variables that are defined in the view withing
> > the tags without any problems, just when I use data from the
> > controller in an href tag or src tag do I have this problem.
> > The data from the controller works fine everywhere else and will not
> > cause the session check to fail. If anyone has any concise ideas about
> > what I can do to help fix this problem PLEASE help. I am not looking
> > for "the code's broke" I already know this and that's why I came here
> > in the first place.
> > On Dec 19, 11:22 am, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Dec 19, 2007 1:06 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > href tag in the view. I appreciate the reply, but saying "it's the
> > > > code" is not very productive, of course something is wrong with the
> > > > code, I'm just trying to see if anyone has any ideas about what it
> > > > could be (ie if anyone has seen this before, how did they fix it).
> > > Why is it when someone is told that the non-core code they are using
> > > or have written isn't working properly, they get all defensive and
> > > complain that being told that fact is 'not very productive'?  I know
> > > this will come as a shock to many people, but I have written both good
> > > code and shitty code.  Most of the time when a problem with a CakePHP
> > > app occurs, it's because of the shitty non-core code that someone has
> > > written.
> > > What was the answer you were looking for?  "Yes, it must be CakePHP's
> > > fault that some part of the non-core code is messing with the contents
> > > of a session".
> > > I will restate what I said before:  there is nothing about adding
> > > properly-formed href tags or properly formed img-src tags to a page
> > > that will cause sessions to not work properly.  Therefore, it must be
> > > a problem in the code.  I will gladly change my mind when presented
> > > with evidence to the contrary.
> > > Just because you don't like the answer doesn't mean that it isn't
> > > helpful or isn't valid.
> > > --
> > > Chris Hartjes
> > > My motto for 2007:  "Just build it, damnit!"
> > > @TheKeyboard -
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