I have a problem with a custom route and accessing the info with $this-
My route look like this:
Router::connect('/week/:week/:year', array('controller' => 'dates',
'action' => 'week','week' => null, 'year' => null), array('year' =>
'([12][0-9]{3})', 'week' => '([1-9]|[1-4][0-9]|5[0-3])'));
As you can see the week and year is optional...
In the week-action in the DatesController I try to access the week and
year with $this->params['week'] and $this->params['year']. When I go
to the url i.e. "/week/2/2008", both the params get the value of the
week (2, in this case)... Why is that? Does anyone have a clue?

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