Not my own server, it's a webhotel so i can't restart it if that was
what you meant.

Tried clearing out my cache and that worked perfectly! Thanks for the

I do have some custom routes but nothing with regexp and it shouldn't
interfere with this.

Everything works now, clearing the cache fixed it.


On Jan 6, 2:04 am, Robby Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you have other working controllers, you might consider bouncing
> your web server, or at least clearing out your /cache directory,
> specifically the /cache/persistent directory.
> On Jan 5, 12:36 pm, Andreas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Created a model/controller/views names Type(s) with bake and uploaded
> > them to my server but when i try to access them I'm getting '404 Not
> > Found'. There's no info in the errors logs at all.
> > Another thing I've noticed as a bit odd is this (there's usually
> > something between the '.
> > Error:  The requested address '' was not found on this server.
> > Here's how ti usually looks (the markers controller exists but not the
> > asda action).
> > Error:  The requested address '/markers/asda' was not found on this
> > server.
> > Also tried to create another controller with another name but i get
> > the same error with that one.
> > Is there any cache I need to clean or some config thing I'm missing?
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