Hi Adam,

I am running 1.2 ...

I tried using bind(), but that seems to not work.  The array I am
getting returned contains no Customer records, which is weird.

On Jan 7, 9:17 am, Adam Royle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You didn't mention what version you are running, but if you using
> latest 1.2 code you can use:
> http://bakery.cakephp.org/articles/view/bindable-behavior-control-you...
> If you using earlier version the just use unbindModel and bindModel
> customising fields, etc, before you do your query. Also you might run
> into probs with bindings being reset when using paginate by default.
> If you're still not convinced then just write a small sql query and
> call it like:
>  $data = $this->Customer->query($sql);
> Adam
>  On Jan 7, 11:27 pm, Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > bump :)
> > On Jan 6, 10:31 pm, Travis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Hey everyone,
> > > I'm trying to generate a list of employees and in that list I want to
> > > show the customer which that employee belongs to.  In my db I have an
> > > employees table and a customers table and each employee has a
> > > customer_id field.  The problem is, I want to show the customer.name
> > > field, not the customer_id.
> > > How do I run a select statement that joins these two tables on the
> > > customer_id and retrieves only the customer_name from the customers
> > > table.
> > > I need to do this from inside the employees controller. Here's my
> > > models and controller code.
> > > class EmployeeModel extends AppModel
> > > {
> > >         var $name               = "Employee";
> > >         var $belongsTo        = "Customer";
> > >         var $recursive          = 1;
> > > }
> > > class Customer extends AppModel
> > > {
> > >         var $name               = "Customer";
> > >         var $primaryKey = 'id';
> > >         var $hasMany    = array('Employee','Transaction');
> > >         var $recursive  = 2;
> > > }
> > > class EmployeesController extends AppController
> > > {
> > >         var $name = "employees";
> > >         var $helpers = array('DatePicker');
> > >         var $uses =array('Employee','Customer');
> > >         var $paginate = array(
> > >                 'limit' => 25,
> > >                 'order' => array('Employee.id' => 'DESC')
> > >                 );
> > > /*
> > >  *
> > >  *
> > >  *
> > >  */
> > >         function index(){
> > >                 //retrieve all of the customers for drop down box and set 
> > > the data
> > >                 $customerList = 
> > > $this->Customer->findAll(NULL,array('id','name'));
> > >                 foreach ($customerList as $customer)
> > >                         $customers[$customer['Customer']['id']] = 
> > > $customer['Customer']
> > > ['name'];
> > >                 $this->set('customers', $customers);
> > >                 //if data is posted, retrieve all employees specific to 
> > > the customer
> > > id
> > >                 if(!empty($this->data)){
> > >                         $this->layout = 'default';
> > >                         $dataSet = 
> > > $this->paginate('Employee',array('customer_id' => 
> > > $this->data['Employee']['customer_id']));
> > >                         $this->set(compact('dataSet'));
> > >                 }
> > >                 //if no data is posted, retrieve all employees
> > >                 else{
> > >                         $this->layout = 'default';
> > >                         $dataSet = $this->paginate('Employee');
> > >                         $this->set(compact('dataSet'));
> > >                 }
> > >         }
> > > Thanks for the help.
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