I have a website that is basically a shopping cart. It has Products,
Manufactures, Users, etc.

I've added a 'Notes' controller with the following fields:

The idea is that I can set the respective foreign key so that I can
use the notes controller to add notes to any object. Is this the
correct way to do it?

My next question is, I want to automatically add a note when an
administrator does certain tasks, eg, modify a user account.

I was thinking about using the $controller->requestAction(), however,
if the note is fairly long it will be kind of weird to do this:

 /* this is just psuedo code, I do not actually store session
information like this */

 $ses = $this->Session->read('currentUser');
 $note = "User account was suspended by {$ses['User']['username']}";
 $this->requestAction('/admin/notes/add/' . $note);

It would seem weird to request an action with spaced text like that.
Is there another way to do it, i guess what I'm asking is...
requestAction is like GET, is there another way that's similiar to a
POST. Is it safe to do what I want to do this way?

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