Hi guys

I'm currently towards the end of a major app build and have today
upgraded cake to the beta release, mainly to fix a pagination issue
with the nightly I was using.

Anyhow, I now have a far more serious problem in that my finderQuery
data is being lost somewhere.

In previous Cake, with debug on I could see the initial SELECT query,
followed by a series of SELECT's based on my finderQuery to pull the
association for each record found in the first query, ie "SELECT ...
WHERE Model.id IN (xx)". With the beta, I instead see a single query
for the finderQuery which will grab data for all of the rows found in
the first query, ie: "SELECT ... WHERE Model.id IN (xx,xx,xx,xx,xx)".

This is all fine and dandy obviously, we all like to see speed
improvements and less queries. The only problem is that the data never
makes it to my model - the associations are always blank - even though
I can see the query being executed.

Any ideas?
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