One trick is not cakePHP related, but you can check to be certain the
request came from a page or domain that hosts the form.  I've done
that in the past and had no problems.  You can also pass to the form a
key that you validate prior to sending the mail.  Again, non-cakePHP
related, but definitely will stop spammers.

- Keith

On Jan 15, 10:29 pm, squidliberty <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have reason to believe that my contact form is being used to send
> bulk spam via an injection exploit. I'm using the PHPMailer component
> outlined 
> at
> Can anyone tell me whether or not a simple cleanArray() is sufficient
> sanitization for posted data? My headers are all hard-coded, so
> everything submitted is going into the email body.
> Any advice would be appreciated!
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