seems like this isn't a new issue:

On Jan 19, 10:41 am, fr3nch13 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I looked over group, blogs, bakery, api, code, etc. and i can't seem
> to figure this one out.
> I'm paginating like suggested 
> here:
> But where the article ends/is missing is what do you do in your view?
> Specifically, if you look below at the code from my view, I would
> assume that "" would work, and it does as far as sorting by
> the correct field, but the direction is always "asc", it never
> changes. I dont have enough records in my database yet to go over 1
> page, so i don't know if this affects the page numbers as well.
> My views/users/category.ctp
> <th><?php echo $paginator->sort(__r('Name'), '');?></th>
>  __r() is a wrapper so i dont have to type 'true'
> Any help is appreciated.
> P.S. I assumed this based on the above article:
> My models/user.php
> class User extends AppModel {
>     var $hasAndBelongsToMany = array('Category' => array('with' =>
> 'CategoriesUser'));
> }
> My controllers/users_controller.php
> class UsersController extends AppController {
>     // called via ajax from categories/view
>     function category($category_id = null)
>     {
>         if ($category_id)
>         {
> //            $this->paginateHolder();
>             $users = $this->paginate('CategoriesUser',
> array(''=>$category_id));
>             $this->set('users', $users);
>         }
>         $this->layout = 'ajax';
>     }
> }
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