When you use multiple rules per field you can add 'last'=>true option
desired validation rule. It will force cake to stop validating other
rules for
current field if a rule with that option invalidates.

On 29. Jan, 12:56 h., Reny <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi all,
> I have question about validation
> I have a 'email' text input field, I check in my model that this field
> isn't empty and it's unique in my db.
> It's work but I'd like that when the first rule is not satisfied it
> don't try to check the second rule.
> Now it check first rule (if blank it set "required"), so it check
> second rule and it overwrite my first message and it display
> "unique...".
> myview:
> <?php echo $form->input('email', array('error' => array(
> 'required' => 'Please specify a valid email',
> 'unique' => 'Please insert a unique email'
> ))); ?>
> mymodel:
> var $validate = array(
>         'email' => array(
>            'required' => VALID_NOT_EMPTY,
>            'unique' => array( 'rule' => 'checkUnique', 'email'))
>         );
>     function checkUnique($data, $fieldName) {
>         $valid = false;
>         if(isset($fieldName[0]) && $this->hasField($fieldName[0])) {
>             $valid = $this->isUnique(array($fieldName[0] => $data));
>         }
>         return $valid;
>         }
> thanks all!!!

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