I'm trying to go through the Example: Simple User Authentication in
the CakePHP manual, to learn how to set up my own authentication for a
website. The database that I have to use for authentication is a
legacy Access database, and I have connected to it successfully with
Cake already. For some reason, when I try to login, the query that
gets generated is a little screwy.

It generates: SELECT "User"."AccName" AS "User__AccName" AS
"User"__"AccName" AS "User__AccName", "User"."AccPass" AS
"User__AccPass" AS "User"__"AccPass" AS "User__AccPass",
"User"."FirstName" AS "User__FirstName" AS "User"__"FirstName" AS
"User__FirstName", "User"."Surname" AS "User__Surname" AS
"User"__"Surname" AS "User__Surname", "User"."ContactID" AS
"User__ContactID" FROM "registrar" AS "User" WHERE "User"."acc_name" =
'dev' LIMIT 1

I don't understand why it's repeating the "AS" so many times, I
haven't seen that before in any of the generated queries.

My model is fairly simple:
class User extends AppModel
    var $name = 'User';
    var $useTable = 'registrar';
    var $primaryKey = 'ContactID';
    var $useDbConfig = 'orderflow';
    var $hasMany = 'Order';


Is there something remarkably stupid that I'm doing that I'm just not
aware of?

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