Hi Wood, i hope this answer is not to late...

The tempdos is wrong. They already changed on the svn and it will be
online soon.

So to customize a scaffolded view fo a specific controller they say
you need to place you file here:

But rather, you need to put it here:

And to customize a view scaffold for all your controllers, they say
the place is here:

But the right place is:

Hopes this helps others.

The lack of good, consistent and updated documentation is the worst
problem on CakePHP today.

Note: Happy Birthday to me :D

Julio Vinicius Protzek

On 1 fev, 20:49, the_woodsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ha ha,
> Nice one Chris, I probably deserved that.
> But listen, I did have a misnamed file in that drectory: previously
> calledscaffold.index.ctp, now renamed, as per thetempdocs, to
> index.scaffold.ctp
> I've put this file in /app/views/scaffold, again as per the docs.
> I have a controller/model combo, called contracts, which doesn't even
> have a folder in views, so it can't be overriding scaffolding
> templates itself (?).
> When I go to /contracts in the browser, I get a standard index list,
> which gets the titleScaffold:: Index :: Contracts, but as my
> template indexscaffoldfile is blank, I'd expect there to be a blank
> page here instead....
> If I'm being an idiot with a typo or something, It wouldn't be the
> first time... but seriously, has anyone actually got this working? any
> clues??
> Thanks,
> Wood
> On Feb 1, 6:24 pm, "Chris Hartjes" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > On Feb 1, 2008 12:45 PM, the_woodsman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Please, don't tell me to RTFM (http://manual.cakephp.org/chapter/
> > > scaffolding), as that page has been wrong for yonks ( I think over a
> > > year, even though this ticket is only a month old 
> > > -https://trac.cakephp.org/ticket/3789),
> > > and it's not for 1.2 anyway!
> > How about you RTOFM (Read The Other F****** Manual) over 
> > athttp://tempdocs.cakephp.orgtosee if the answer might be in there.
> > --
> > Chris Hartjes
> > Internet Loudmouth
> > Motto for 2008: "Moving from herding elephants to handling snakes..."
> > @TheKeyBoard:http://www.littlehart.net/atthekeyboard
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