Regarding Zoe's comment about Cake checking the db columns every time
you retrieve data, that only happens when debug is on.  Otherwise the
table schema is cached.

In general you should look into Cake's built in caching which can
negate a lot of the framework overhead.  Here is quick test I did to
benchmark the improvement with cache turned on:

That was almost a year ago and used Cake 1.1 with file based caching.


On Feb 8, 6:26 am, Ma'moon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello guys,
> i am truly sure that cake is my choice when it comes to choose a framework
> from the bunch of frameworks available out there but i really need to see
> some benchmarks in order to convince my managers that cake is really for it
> and it would be our best choice, is there any benchmarks reports available,
> i would be thankful for any links being posted here or pointed anywhere
> else.
> Regards, Ma'moon
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