Rod D. wrote:
> Still some issues... Good Grief!
> Well looking at the Form helper code, I have found that I had to hard
> code the form definition in the view.  No worries, it now calls /
> echere/login like it is supposed to.
> Now, after entering the username and password and clicking the login
> button I gegtg the following:
> Fatal error:  Call to undefined method stdClass::validates() in C:\www
> \app\controllers\echere_controller.php on line 33
> The line referred to is:
>                       if ( $this->User->validates() ) {
> So, this code use to work when I used the Users controller, but now
> with the new name it does not.
> I have already included the EcHere controller code in my initial post
> above.
> Again, the concept is I would like to use the EcHere controller
> instead of Users controller, and still use the Users table and model.
> Any ideas?Found the issue.  It was a typo in the model.  At some point I 
> misspelled the work array in the setting of the $validate var.
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