
Same problem here and can't figure out why that is.

Did you manage to solve it?


On Feb 1, 5:30 am, Micro <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hey, i got the same problem too.  I am stillnotable to import my
> fixtures.
> My cakephp version is: beta, and my simpletest version is :
> 1.0.1beta2
> This is my model:
> <?php
> class Stock extends AppModel {
>         var $name = 'Stock';
>         var $useTable = 'stocks';
>         var $primaryKey = 'SYMBOL';
>         var $validate = array(
>         );
> ?>
> <?php
> App::import('Model', 'Stock');
> class StockTest extends Stock{
>     var $name = 'StockTest';
>         var $useDbConfig = 'test_suite';
>         var $cacheSources = false;
>   //   var $useTable = null;
>   //  var $tablePrefix = null;
> }
> class StockTestCase extends CakeTestCase {
>         var $fixtures = array('stock_test');
>         function testCreateRecords() {
>                 $this->TestObject = new StockTest();
>                 $result = $this->TestObject->findCount();
>                 $expected = count($this->records);
>                 $this->assertEqual($result, $expected);
>        }
> }
> ?>
> My fixture:
> <?php
> class StockTestFixture extends CakeTestFixture {
>         var $name = 'StockTest';
>         var $import = 'Stock';
>         var $records = array(
>                 .......
>         );
> }
> ?>
> The error that i got is:
> Error:  Database table test_suite_stocks for model Stock wasnotfound.
> I just don't get it.  I can make myunittesting working without the
> fixture. But, it will go to my real table instead of thetestsuit
> table.  Please help.  I have been trying to do this for couple days
> now.
> On Jan 8, 4:35 pm, Robby Anderson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Woo hoo! Got it to work. For anyone interested, I believe it had to do
> > with the customtablein my Model declaration (var $useTable).
> > To solve my issue, I added two lines to myTestModel declaration:
> > class UserTest extends User {
> >     var $name = 'UserTest';
> >     var $useDbConfig = 'test_suite';
> >     var $cacheSources = false;
> >     var $useTable = null;
> >     var $tablePrefix = null;
> > }
> > The last two lines - setting useTable and tablePrefix to null - solved
> > my issue, and now myteststructure/data is importing perfectly! Me
> > = :)
> > On Jan 8, 3:55 pm, Gwoo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > Robby,
> > > Come to IRC, its much more fun than having to send 4 messages in 2hrs
> > > with no response.
> > > #cakephp, irc.freenode.net
> > Th   anks, Gwoo - I'll do that.
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