On Feb 22, 2008, at 6:14 PM, jim starboard wrote:

> I'm setting up my first cakePHP site. Let me explain what I have so
> far. Am I off to the right start? Then there are some other questions
> below.
> I'm doing my home page first. I have the following
> views\layouts\default.thtml
> - this is the general site html that's repeated everywhere.  I have
> the title_for_layout and the content_for_layout properties, as well as
> a renderElement('navbar') for my navigation element. There'll surely
> be some other renderElement calls.
> views\home\index.thtml
> - the view of the homepage, nothing in there yet.
> controllers\home_controller.php
> - Is this naming convention cool? It seems like it would be odd to
> name it homes_controller.php. Right now there is just the index
> method.
> I have not created my home.php model and I got an error saying it
> didn't exist. I know I will need one, but just out of curiosity, what
> If I never reference my home model in my home controller?

You'll need to set $uses = null in your HomeController so Cake stops  
expecting something that doesn't exist.

> I was sort
> of thinking I would use more fine grained models like user, game, etc.
> So, do I reference those child models from the home model?

If they're associated, yes.

-- John

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