My take on the documentation was that the behavior supported additions
to the table schema (and that group was optional). I'll try it with
the default.

This is how I'm making it work for the moment. This is included in my
controller action right after doing a find():

$sql = 'SELECT dirname, basename FROM attachments '
. "WHERE model = 'MemberProfile' AND foreign_key =

$member['Attachment'] = Set::extract($this->Member->query($sql), '0.0');

$this->set('member', $member);

I haven't tried to save anything with this model yet, though.

On Sun, Feb 24, 2008 at 8:18 AM, davidpersson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  Hey,
>  >
>  > I don't know if that syntax is correct for overriding the defaults.
>  >
>  The syntax and how you're overriding the defaults is correct.
>  > Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [APP/models/
>  > behaviors/attachment.php, line 233]
>  >
>  This has been fixed in 0.40
>  > id          | 415
>  > model       | Showcase
>  > foreign_key | 234
>  > dirname     | files/showcase/espana_keller_j
>  > basename    |
>  > checksum    | 86fb86893fd829912145f303f39e869b
>  > mime_type   | video/quicktime
>  > thumbnail   | espana_keller_39692.png
>  > created     | 2008-02-13 20:12:57.99675
>  > modified    | 2008-02-13 20:12:57.99675
>  >
>  Your schema does not seem to be up to date with latest schema used by
>  the package. Have a look at config/sql/attachment.sql
>  I would recommend to that you download the latest attm release and try
>  again with latest cake from svn.
>  I didn't test if this behavior is compatible with other behaviors.
>  Seems that there is really an incompatiblity with Bindable causing
>  some troubles. I'll check this and maybe include a fix in one of the
>  next versions.
> >

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