I'm looking for some input from the cake community on some db design

Lets say I have a table of venues (name, longitute, latitude ...).

A venue can belong to one or more child classification where
classifications are a stored as a hierachy using the adjacency list
model (id, parent_id, name).

A venue can also belong to one or more child cuisine classification
where cuisine types are stores as a hierachy also using the adjacancy
list model.

Now my question is am I better off obscuring these association so I
can simply add a new root to a setup to handle the adjacancy list
model (ie cuisine and category) or should I have seperate tables
(cuisines and categories).

Option 1 only one table to store all hierarchies:
id, name, longitude, latitude

id, parent_id, name

id, venue_id, venueattributes_id

Option 2 a table per each hierarchy

id, name, longitude, latitude

id, parent_id, name

id, venue_id, cuisine_id

id, parent_id, name

id, venue_id, category_id
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