On Mar 1, 8:40 pm, "John David Anderson (_psychic_)"
> On Mar 1, 2008, at 3:04 AM, R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah wrote:
> > On Feb 29, 6:06 am, Jon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >> Like many other I'm shopping around for a framework. I'm playing with
> >> both CI and Cake. I really love Cake but am concerned about the
> >> performance. I'm planning to use memcache and all the other server
> >> goodies to speed it up but are there methods within the code to
> >> optimize things?
> >> I noticed that I can declare $helpers within each function and
> >> therefore include only those that I need.
> >      When we had to move to MVC framework, we analyzed both CI and
> > Cake. CI is simple and fast. But, we preferred the Cake for it's many
> > automagic goodies and where we faced many problems. I still don't find
> > an easy way to reduce the queries in official automagic Cake way
> > (except finderQuery); even Bindable Behavior is not helpful.
> Bindable is awesome. How can it not help when it does *exactly* what
> you're asking for?

      As far as I tried, Bindable works for dynamically adding/
removing associations. But, think about the blogs' view page which
uses Post, User, and Comment models. The user_id to username
transition on Comments listing really needs "recursive" option in
Cake's official way (as far as I understand; like I said, I may be
wrong). When listing "Related Comments" on the page (which doesn't
have pagination in official way is another problem we faced
http://groups.google.com/group/cake-php/msg/3d9c0f92a7b552bf ) grows
to about 50 comments, the DB is jammed.

> >      So, in my humble opinion, Cake is a good thing when you have a
> > control over what and where to display. But, on a typical client
> > projects, we mostly scratch our heads on core things and trying to
> > avoid automagic stuffs instead of concentrating on business logic.
> > It's just my experience; I may be in a minor moronic group. YMMV.
> > However, I find some lot of things are improving on Cake; so may be
> > lot of things could be improved after sometime.
> There's a reason Cake forces you to do what you should. MVC is a very
> tried-and true approach, and the code is written that way for a
> reason. If you find it getting in your way, you might want to double
> check what you're doing.
> I also don't see why you'd want to avoid automagic stuff - it keeps
> the amount of code you need to write down to a minimum. Other
> frameworks require you to load models and things on your own - cake
> does that because it saves you time.

     I don't get you; you're appreciating Bindable behavior and also
the automagic stuffs; and I'm confused about your stand/opinion.
Thanks for your follow-up.

  <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com    Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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