In the Controller, calls to your models should go in your controllers.

On Wed, Mar 5, 2008 at 2:34 AM, George C <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  On Jan 25, 8:32 am, MonkeyGirl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  > > How would you get the enum values from the model or controller?
>  >
>  > By far the easiest way is to go 
> to
>  > and copy and paste the code that's there into app_model.php, then you
>  > can just use lines like the following in your code:
>  >
>  > $types = $this->Album->getEnumValues('type');
>  >
>  > In this example, 'type' is the name of the enum column, Album is the
>  > model it's in, and 'types' is the variable that will automatically be
>  > picked up by this line in the view (assuming you're using Cake 1.2
>  > with its form helper):
>  >
>  > echo $form->input('type');
>  >
>  > This will give you a dropdown, just like the one you get for foreign
>  > keys.
>  >
>  > Hope that helps,
>  > Zoe.
>  Looks simple enough, but I'm very new to the whole Model-View-
>  Controller paradigm, so I can't quite make sense of this.
>  Adding the first part of that code into the app_model.php file is
>  straightforward enough, and I only need the "function add()" section
>  if I intend to use this functionality with Bake (right?) which I
>  currently don't.
>  So, would I want to say in some view:
>  $types = $this->Album->getEnumValues('type');
>  echo $form->input('type');
>  $labels = $this->Album->getEnumValues('label')
>  echo $form->input('label')
>  Or that's what I'd think to do at first glance, but it doesn't seem to
>  work - $this seems to point to the current "view" object and not the
>  "Album" object, which I suppose makes sense.  But then it's not clear
>  to me where the "$types = $this->Album->getEnumValues('type');" line
>  ought to go, if not in the view page.  Thanks in advance for any
>  clarification you can send my way!
>  >

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