i have to correct myself. in basic mode the application works fine.
the problem in digest mode is the ':', page:2.
the ':' is missing from the regexp in function
parseDigestAuthData($digest) ;

preg_match_all('@(\w+)=([\'"]?)([a-zA-Z0-9=./\_-]+)\2@', $digest,
$match, PREG_SET_ORDER);


On márc. 26, 13:44, "gbk *" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> hi,
> some new information about this problem:
> if i change the type from 'digest' to 'basic', the server accepts the
> admin/password, but i have to enter it at every page request.
> gbk
> On márc. 26, 12:33, "gbk *" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > hi,
> > i need some help in the following problem:
> > my cakephp version:
> > i have configured digest auth for my admin actions in the
> > app_controller:
> > function beforeFilter() {
> >         if(isset($this->params[Configure::read('Routing.admin')])){
> >                 $this->Security->requireLogin('*', array('users' => array(
> >                         'admin' =>'password'), 'type'=>'digest', 
> > 'realm'=>'admin'));
> >         }
> > }
> > it's working perfectly for the admin actions except when paginator
> > comes in the picture.
> > my action (urls_controller):
> > function admin_getBrokenUrls() {
> >         $this->set('brokenUrls', $this->paginate('Url',
> > array('repair_count'=>10)));
> > }
> > the first page (/admin/urls/getBrokenUrls/) is ok, but when i try
> > other pages (/admin/urls/getBrokenUrls/page:2) i get back 401 http
> > response code all the time. it's strange, because i've already
> > authenticated. the other strange thing is, if i enter the admin/
> > password after a page call it's not working. the server doesn't accept
> > it.
> > gbk
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