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* @author Larry E. Masters
* @var string $userName
* @param string $realName
* @returns string aka PhpNut
* @access public

On Tue, Apr 1, 2008 at 4:38 AM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] <

> Those variables are undeclared because they come from the extract
> statement and DO contain values.
> So I changed the topic to reflect the real question:
> Why is MY mo-file not accepted?
> My "magic" value in the header is "-1794895138".
> Apparently it should be "2500072158".
> I come to this conclusion since both expressions in the if-statement
> result in that number.
> If I tweak the if-statement to accept my file it is parsed and
> translation works without any apparent problem.
> What is the "magic" number? A checksum? How do I go about "debugging"
> my (also working) po-file? PoEdit has no problem and spits out no
> errors.
> On Apr 1, 11:27 am, "[EMAIL PROTECTED]"
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > I have had a lot of problems getting i18n translation working but I
> > think this may be one for the trac. THis is a sanity check before
> > posting a ticket... please read on and tell me I am wrong :) (which is
> > always fun)
> >
> > I have debugged a bit in cake/libs/i18n.php and found that my
> > "" is loaded but then I found some strange code where the
> > file should begin parsing:
> > --- line 390-391 ---
> > if (($magic == (-1794895138 & 0xFFFFFFFF) || $magic == (2500072158 &
> > 0xFFFFFFFF)) && $version == 0) {
> > for ($n = 0; $n < $count; $n++) {
> > ---
> >
> > $magic and $count are never assigned values and thus the file will
> > never be parsed. This is what I assume is a bug. The reason I doubt
> > myself even though logically the file will never be parsed is that my
> > previous questions have turned up people happily using "mo-files".
> >
> > My setup in the app:
> >
> > in config/core.php all caching is turned off (when debugging to avoid
> > cached locale data).
> >
> > optional: in config/core.php I have set the language to Swedish:
> > Configure::write('Config.language', 'swe');
> >
> > the file locale/???/LS_MESSAGES/ contains translations
> > compiled by poedit. (??? = swe or eng if using default)
> >
> > That is it. Does not display any translated texts. Translations are
> > displayed using the __() function and all working with the uncompiled
> > default.po. When I activate caching The cached translation-file
> > contains the following which amounts to nothing:
> > ----
> > 1207044332
> > a:1:{s:11:"LC_MESSAGES";a:1:{s:7:"default";a:0:{}}}
> > ----
> >

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