the model schemas are cached in app/tmp/cache/models - empty that
folder when you make changes to the schema.

The cache is only read in production mode, in debug mode it's
refreshed every time, so it's not a problem for development.

On Apr 4, 11:02 am, Tomka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hello.
> For development I use a local Xampp-installation on WinXP. My app
> (cakePHP 1.2) is deployed on a linux webserver.
> The following problem only exists on my development machine:
> From time to time cake seems to access an old model-layout - I dont
> know where to cache it. I changed the table-layout for the user-table
> for example (deleting the column "person_id"). Now sometimes I get the
> error
> SQL Error: 1054: Unknown column 'User.person_id' in 'field list' [CORE
> \cake\libs\model\datasources\dbo_source.php, line 440]
> Usually this happens after I delete the app-directory in the htdocs-
> path of xampp and copy the new files to there from my development
> path.
> Reload the accessed page does not help. Accessing the same page two
> minutes later without doing anything at this time makes the error
> disapear.
> Where is the information cached and how can I disable this cache for
> development?
> Thanks in advance,
> Tomka.
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