Thanks for the clarification.  That does make sense to me.

I didn't notice the problem, because I am using the following in my
app_controller.php to solve the same problem.  I will admit is not the
most elegant solution, but it does work:

function beforeFilter() {
    $this->Auth->allowedActions = array('index', 'view', 'display');

In controllers where I want to be more restrictive, I override this

On Apr 9, 7:39 pm, "David Zentgraf" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Thanks aranworld, saw your message just now.
> I think the use case is when you're not using groups, and you have a
> lot of children. In that case it's a lot easier to generally allow
> access to the parent, but deny access to a few selected children, for
> example.
> Additionally it's just expected behaviour IMHO.
> If I explicitly state
> $ cake acl deny deceze Users/delete all
> then
> $ cake acl check deceze Users/delete all
> should never yield an Allowed.
> On Thu, Apr 10, 2008 at 3:50 AM, aranworld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  The idea of basing inheritance on id order is really not going to
> >  work, because over the course of usage, ACO nodes are bound to be
> >  added in a non-linear fashion.  This is why lft and rght values are
> >  used instead to determine inheritance.
> >  I am able to reproduce this bug as described.
> >  However, if you have the following:
> >  ======
> >  ACO Table
> >  Site
> >  ---Articles
> >  ======
> >  ARO Table
> >  Users
> >  ---Frank
> >  ======
> >  And you do:
> >  cake acl grant Users Site delete
> >  cake acl deny Frank Articles delete
> >  Then you get the following
> >  cake acl check Users Articles delete
> >  Users are allowed
> >  cake acl check Frank Articles delete
> >  Frank is not allowed
> >  The issue only seems to apply to situations in which the overlapping
> >  permissions are from the same ARO node.  I'm not sure this is going to
> >  be considered buggy behavior by the developers.
> >  Instead, it seems like the framework is set up so that parent
> >  permissions override child permissions when the same user is
> >  involved.  As long as I understand that this is the behavior in play,
> >  then I think I can live with things as is.
> >  But maybe I'm not thinking of the situation in which you would want to
> >  give a user ALL permissions on parent node and then try to deny a
> >  permission on a subnode?
> >  On Apr 8, 11:34 pm, David Christopher Zentgraf <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >  wrote:
> > > Ignore my previous fix, only works under certain conditions.
> >  > This fix is more robust:
> >  > Insert:
> >  > // ======= WORKAROUND =========
> >  > $perms = Set::sort($perms, '{n}', 'desc');
> >  > // =============================
> >  > before:
> >  > $perms = Set::extract($perms, '{n}.' . $this->Aro->Permission->alias);
> >  > The checking algorithm still needs some revisitation.
> >  > On 9 Apr 2008, at 13:15, David Christopher Zentgraf wrote:
> >  > > Posted a possible fix in
> >  > > Replace the loop on line 313 of cake/libs/controller/components/
> >  > > acl.php:
> >  > > foreach ($perms as $perm) {
> >  > >   // The inner part stays, only the enclosing loop can go!
> >  > > }
> >  > > with:
> >  > > $perm = $perms[count($perms) - 1];
> >  > > Feedback would be appreciated.
> >  > > On 9 Apr 2008, at 11:56, David Christopher Zentgraf wrote:
> >  > >> Tried with the latest Nightly (08.04.08), dumped all my tables,
> >  > >> set everything up again, still the same.
> >  > >> Opened a ticket for it:
> >  > >> On 8 Apr 2008, at 22:23, Dardo Sordi Bogado wrote:
> >  > >>> It's looks exactly as the bug described.
> >  > >>> Look in cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php
> >  > >>> method check,
> >  > >>> look for  === -1, change to  == -1. If it isn't there, probably you
> >  > >>> need to put a couple of pr() and start debugging :(.
> >  > >>> Before that, try with an fresh install of the latest svn.
> >  > >>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 9:12 AM, David Christopher Zentgraf
> > > >>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > >>>> SELECT `Aro`.`id`, `Aro`.`parent_id`, `Aro`.`model`,
> >  > >>>> `Aro`.`foreign_key`, `Aro`.`alias` FROM `aros` AS `Aro` LEFT JOIN
> >  > >>>> `aros` AS `Aro0` ON (`Aro`.`lft` <= `Aro0`.`lft` AND `Aro`.`rght`
> >  > >>>> >=
> >  > >>>> `Aro0`.`rght`) WHERE `Aro0`.`model` = 'User' AND
> >  > >>>> `Aro0`.`foreign_key`
> >  > >>>> = 3 ORDER BY `Aro`.`lft` DESC
> >  > >>>> SELECT `Aco`.`id`, `Aco`.`parent_id`, `Aco`.`model`,
> >  > >>>> `Aco`.`foreign_key`, `Aco`.`alias` FROM `acos` AS `Aco` LEFT JOIN
> >  > >>>> `acos` AS `Aco0` ON (`Aco0`.`alias` = 'Users') LEFT JOIN `acos` AS
> >  > >>>> `Aco1` ON (`Aco1`.`lft` > `Aco0`.`lft` AND `Aco1`.`rght` <
> >  > >>>> `Aco0`.`rght` AND `Aco1`.`alias` = 'index') WHERE ((`Aco`.`lft` <=
> >  > >>>> `Aco0`.`lft` AND `Aco`.`rght` >= `Aco0`.`rght`) OR (`Aco`.`lft` <=
> >  > >>>> `Aco1`.`lft` AND `Aco`.`rght` >= `Aco1`.`rght`)) ORDER BY
> >  > >>>> `Aco`.`lft`
> >  > >>>> DESC
> >  > >>>> SELECT `Permission`.`id`, `Permission`.`aro_id`,
> >  > >>>> `Permission`.`aco_id`, `Permission`.`_create`,
> >  > >>>> `Permission`.`_read`,
> >  > >>>> `Permission`.`_update`, `Permission`.`_delete`, `Aro`.`id`,
> >  > >>>> `Aro`.`parent_id`, `Aro`.`model`, `Aro`.`foreign_key`,
> >  > >>>> `Aro`.`alias`,
> >  > >>>> `Aro`.`lft`, `Aro`.`rght`, `Aco`.`id`, `Aco`.`parent_id`,
> >  > >>>> `Aco`.`model`, `Aco`.`foreign_key`, `Aco`.`alias`, `Aco`.`lft`,
> >  > >>>> `Aco`.`rght` FROM `aros_acos` AS `Permission` LEFT JOIN `aros` AS
> >  > >>>> `Aro` ON (`Permission`.`aro_id` = `Aro`.`id`) LEFT JOIN `acos` AS
> >  > >>>> `Aco` ON (`Permission`.`aco_id` = `Aco`.`id`) WHERE
> >  > >>>> `Permission`.`aro_id` = 6 AND `Permission`.`aco_id` IN (4, 3, 2)
> >  > >>>> The result of that last call even looks pretty good to me:
> >  > >>>> +----+--------+--------+---------+-------+---------+---------
> >  > >>>> +------
> >  > >>>> +-----------+-------+-------------+--------+------+------+------
> >  > >>>> +-----------+-------+-------------+-------+------+------+
> >  > >>>> | id | aro_id | aco_id | _create | _read | _update | _delete |
> >  > >>>> id   |
> >  > >>>> parent_id | model | foreign_key | alias  | lft  | rght | id   |
> >  > >>>> parent_id | model | foreign_key | alias | lft  | rght |
> >  > >>>> +----+--------+--------+---------+-------+---------+---------
> >  > >>>> +------
> >  > >>>> +-----------+-------+-------------+--------+------+------+------
> >  > >>>> +-----------+-------+-------------+-------+------+------+
> >  > >>>> |  1 |      6 |      3 | 1       | 1     | 1       | 1       |    6
> >  > >>>> |      NULL | User  |           3 | deceze |   11 |   12 |    3
> >  > >>>> |         2 | NULL  |        NULL | Users |    2 |   13 |
> >  > >>>> |  3 |      6 |      4 | -1      | -1    | -1      | -1      |    6
> >  > >>>> |      NULL | User  |           3 | deceze |   11 |   12 |    4
> >  > >>>> |         3 | NULL  |        NULL | index |    3 |    4 |
> >  > >>>> +----+--------+--------+---------+-------+---------+---------
> >  > >>>> +------
> >  > >>>> +-----------+-------+-------------+--------+------+------+------
> >  > >>>> +-----------+-------+-------------+-------+------+------+
> >  > >>>> 2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
> >  > >>>> And just for completeness:
> >  > >>>> $ cake acl view aco
> >  > >>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >  > >>>> Aco tree:
> >  > >>>> ---------------------------------------------------------------
> >  > >>>> [2]ROOT
> >  > >>>>   [3]Users
> >  > >>>>     [4]index
> >  > >>>>     [5]edit
> >  > >>>>     [6]register
> >  > >>>>     [7]profile
> >  > >>>>     [8]delete
> >  > >>>> But:
> >  > >>>> $cake acl check deceze Users/index all
> >  > >>>> deceze is allowed.
> >  > >>>> On 8 Apr 2008, at 20:49, Dardo Sordi Bogado wrote:
> >  > >>>>> Can you post the SQL generated?
> >  > >>>>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 8:47 AM, David Christopher Zentgraf
> > > >>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > >>>>>> Those URLs are not loading for me right now,
> >  > >>>>>> but I'm experiencing this on a Nightly from April 5th (I think).
> >  > >>>>>> cake/libs/controller/components/acl.php:
> >  > >>>>>> /* SVN FILE: $Id: acl.php 6491 2008-03-01 03:12:12Z nate $ */
> >  > >>>>>> ...
> >  > >>>>>> On 8 Apr 2008, at 20:17, Dardo Sordi Bogado wrote:
> >  > >>>>>>> Bug #3851,
> >  > >>>>>>>
> >  > >>>>>>>
> >  > >>>>>>> It's fixed in current versions.
> >  > >>>>>>> On Tue, Apr 8, 2008 at 6:01 AM, David Christopher Zentgraf
> > > >>>>>>> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >  > >>>>>>>> Hi,
> >  > >>>>>>>> Am I getting this right? With the ACL component, AROs inherit
> >  > >>>>>>>> their
> >  > >>>>>>>> permissions like this:
> >  > >>>>>>>> Group [denied something]
> >  > >>>>>>>> |- User [allowed something]
> >  > >>>>>>>> In this case, the explicitly granted permission on the User
> >  > >>>>>>>> overrides
> >  > >>>>>>>> the general Group setting, allowing the User something
> >  > >>>>>>>> specifically.
> >  > >>>>>>>> With ACOs the opposite seems to be the case:
> >  > >>>>>>>> Controller [allowing user]
> >  > >>>>>>>> |- Action [denying user]
> >  > >>>>>>>> In this case, the general permission on the Controller seems to
> >  > >>>>>>>> override the explicitly forbidden Action.
> >  > >>>>>>>> $ cake acl grant deceze Users all
> >  > >>>>>>>> $ cake acl deny deceze Users/delete all
> >  > >>>>>>>> $ cake acl check deceze Users/delete all
> >  > >>>>>>>> deceze is allowed.
> >  > >>>>>>>> Is this by design or a bug?
> >  > >>>>>>>> Chrs,
> >  > >>>>>>>> Dav
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