That would seem to me like a bit of a sledgehammer solution. All you
need to do is use the Javascript::link / Html::css functions in your
views, without the inline setting, and they will be added to the
collection when you get round to replacing scripts_for_layout in your
layout. Of course you could also subclass a view to do the automagic
approach, keeping the view stuff (css and javascript) in the view
layer, rather than putting it in your controllers.


On Apr 10, 4:43 pm, grigri <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Am I missing something here? This seems quite an easy thing to do:
> class AppController extends Controller {
>   var $helpers = "SomeRandom";
> }
> class SomeRandomHelper extends AppHelper {
>   var $helpers = array('Html', 'Javascript');
>   function beforeRender() {
>     // Load controller-specific css and js if exists
>     $this->_loadIfExistsJs($this->params['controller']);
>     $this->_loadIfExistsCss($this->params['controller']);
>     // Load action-specific css and js if exists
>     $this->_loadIfExistsJs($this->params['action']);
>     $this->_loadIfExistsCss($this->params['action']);
>     // Load controller+action-specific css and js if exists
>     $this->_loadIfExistsJs($this->params['controller'], 
> $this->params['action']);
>     $this->_loadIfExistsCss($this->params['controller'], 
> $this->params['action']);
>   }
>   function _loadIfExistsJs() {
>     $bits = func_get_args();
>     $file = JS . implode(DS, $bits) . '.js';
>     if (file_exists($file)) {
>       $this->Javscript->link(implode('/', $bits) . '.js', false);
>     }
>   }
>   function _loadIfExistsCss() {
>     $bits = func_get_args();
>     $file = CSS . implode(DS, $bits) . '.css';
>     if (file_exists($file)) {
>       $this->Html->css(implode('/', $bits) . '.css', null, null,
> false);
>     }
>   }
> }
> Assume that the controller is 'PostsController' and the action is
> 'view', then the following files will be loaded (if they exist):
> /app/webroot/js/posts.js
> /app/webroot/js/view.js
> /app/webroot/js/posts/view.js
> /app/webroot/css/posts.css
> /app/webroot/css/view.css
> /app/webroot/css/posts/view.css
> The only gotcha I can see is if you're in an action 'bacon' and you
> call $this->render('eggs') then it will be bacon.js that will be
> loaded, not eggs.js - due to the way Controller::render() works. If
> you use $this->setAction(), then it won't be a problem. Overcoming
> this would require overriding AppController::render() to store the
> first parameter somewhere accessible by the helper.
> Just remember to have <?php echo $scripts_for_layout; ?> in your
> layout and all will be well.
> On Apr 10, 10:17 am, simon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > is there a method to do the same for the above but for css sheets?
> > On Apr 9, 10:14 am, "R. Rajesh Jeba Anbiah"
> > <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > On Apr 8, 8:59 am, John R <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > > Is there an easy way with Cake to get /js/register.js to be
> > > > automatically included in register.ctp? (And conversely not included
> > > > if it doesn't exist?)
> > >   Not automagic, but you may add this in the view file:
> > > $this->addScript('register');
> > > --
> > >   <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
> > > Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com    Blog:
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