Read :

It describes the proper way to create a habtm form and save the
related data [especially the last sentence!].

Also, I'm not sure I understand about the multiple-select-box. You've
defined an assoiciation where `A` has and belongs to *many* `B`, but
you don't want the select box to be multiple? How does this work?

On Apr 16, 1:36 pm, B3 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> I recently noticed a weird issue regarding the form helper.
> I have a model with 2 habtm associations - one of them being 'Local'.
> So here's what I don't understand:
> When using
> $form->input('Local')
> in an add/edit-form cake's rendering a multiple-select-box, which is
> not my intention and also space-wasting but working great!
> So I substituted that line with:
> $form->input('Local', array('type' => 'select'))
> Cake now renders the desired select-box, but when trying to save the
> form I get following errors:
> Warning (2): Invalid argument supplied for foreach() [CORE/cake/libs/
> model/model.php, line 1284]
> Warning (2): Cannot modify header information - headers already sent
> by (output started at /path/to/cake/basics.php:338) [CORE/cake/libs/
> controller/controller.php, line 546]
> The association also doesn't get saved. I can imagine that my post-
> data is corrupt when using the drop-down-box. Why's that?
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