Configure::write('debug',0); //When output Json.

Put this line at json's layout.


On Wed, Apr 16, 2008 at 4:41 PM, krusty999 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> You must set some variable for te output.
> Controller:
> $this->set('myVariable', $this->User->findAll());
> Configure::write('debug',0); //When output Json.
> Then in your view app/views/users/data.ctp you can leave empty.
> But in your view app/view/users/json/data.ctp you put:
> <?php
> echo $javascript->object($myVariable);   //The same of the controller
> ?>
> And then when you enter http://localhost/app/users/data dysplay
> nothing, but in
> http://localhost/app/users/data.json display the content of
> $myVariable in json format.
> See ya.
> >

Renan Gonçalves - Software Engineer
Cell Phone: +55 11 8633 6018
São Paulo - SP/Brazil

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