In my market (Toronto), Cake development is a bit of a niche market. It 
is fairly difficult to find specific Cake work. If you are lucky as a 
freelancer, you might be able to join a project early enough to suggest 
Cake in the design phase. However, most projects have those things 
worked out before they get to the hiring stage. Rails seems to be the 
buzzword framework of choice, so there is more demand for those 
developers. However, from what I understand, when a Cake developer is 
needed, there are very few qualified people to fill those roles, so they 
tend to be compensated at least decently.

Now, personally, I work on a contract basis so I prefer to get paid by 
the project rather than by the hour. Overall, I don't make as much money 
as I could if I did things hourly, but most people would spend 2-3 times 
more on hourly work if things went that way. I work my freelance stuff 
part-time, outside of my normal day job, so this is something I am fine 
with doing anyhow.

The best way I believe to avoid getting ripped off (from my development 
1) Check your developer's work in the CakePHP domain. Have they 
contributed to the community? Will they show you physical code? Do they 
have working references (people) you can talk to about their work?
2) Make sure your developer isn't just outsourcing your work. If this is 
okay with you, that's fine, but if you are not expecting it, this can be 
a headache. This will contribute to delays in development as 
communication through the third party you hired will be slow.
3) If the developer you are hiring will not sign a physical contract, 
look elsewhere. This is something you absolutely need. This protects you 
AND it protects the developer. Any freelancer who shirks signed 
contracts is trouble or looking for it. I have had several jobs where 
arrangements were "verbal" contracts and either scope creep was so 
terrible that nothing got done or I simply did work I never got paid for.

As you might be able to tell from the notes above, I am as much a 
believer in good employers as being a good employee.

Good luck,

foongoos wrote:
> what is the general hourly charge of a cakephp developer. Can some one
> recomend a good way to hire one without being ripped off or getting
> poor quality work?
> >

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