Cake provides perfectly generic, free-form ACL rules. It has built-in
support for controller or action based ACL via the Auth Component, but
you don't need to use either.

I have very fine grained ACOs, and use AROs as roles.

When I do an ACL check, I can write something like $this->Acl-
>check('role1', 'users/address/mailing', 'read') to see if role1 has
access to other users mailing address information. You don't have to
limit yourself to controller/action or any of the other methods you'll
find outlined in the Bakery. You can build your ACO/ARO trees however
you like and the check function will be able to check against them.

On Apr 23, 12:44 pm, mcjustin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Does CakePHP's ACL have anything like Zend_Acl's Assert 
> functionality?
> Our application will have a large number of business rules, which we
> need to limit access based on various non-constant criteria.
> If not built into cake's ACL, could anyone suggest a way to
> incorporate it?
> Thanks!

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