Great info... Thanks a lot.

On Apr 22, 11:38 pm, biesbjerg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I'll bet echo get_class($this->Review) will output 'AppModel'.
> The reason is you need to define $uses like this when accessing plugin
> models:
> var $uses = array('User', 'Reviews.Review');
> You should do the same when creating associations within the plugin's
> models: PluginName.ModelName.
> Good luck.
> On Apr 22, 12:59 am, Max <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Consider a scenario:
> > In file /app/controllers/users_controller.php
> > //review is the plugin model which is here: /app/plugins/reviews/
> > models/review.php
> > var $uses = array('User', 'Review');
> > function getUserReviews()
> > {
> >      $reviews = $this->Review->getRecent();   //this will throw sql
> > error.. anyone knows a reason? findAll() still works
> > }
> > On the other hand, if in bootstrap.php, I manually modify $modelPaths
> > array to add the model location. It works just fine. I dont like this
> > hack however...
> > uses('Folder');
> > $Folder =& new Folder(APP.'plugins');
> > $plugins = $Folder->ls();
> > foreach($plugins[0] as $plugin)
> > {
> >         array_push($modelPaths, APP.DS.'plugins'.DS.$plugin.DS.'models'.DS);
> > }
> > Abhimanyu
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