For anyone else suffering this problem the solution is:

For some reason Cake won't do attachments unless you state the
filePaths first.
This is the case even if you are using an absolute path for your


On Apr 21, 2:47 pm, Doug <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I've done a scount round the group for info on this but not found any
> help.  One person wasn't answered - I hope that won't be the case this
> time round.
> Basically I'm attempting to send an email with attachment.  Using this
> code:
>     //@todo Send from client email address
>     $this->Email->to      = '[EMAIL PROTECTED]';
>     $this->Email->subject = 'Something';
>     $this->Email->replyTo = $client['Client']['email'];
>     $this->Email->from    = $client['Client']['email'];
>     $this->Email->sendAs  = 'html';
>     $this->Email->attachments = array('/home/username/
> article_button.png');
>     if($this->Emailer->send('Testing', null, null)){
>       die('Email Sent!');
>     }else{
>       die('Failed to send email');
>     }
> It dies with "Email Sent" and I do get the email in my inbox.  However
> there's no attachment.  Anyone got any ideas?   I've checked
> permissions on the file and chmodded them to 777.  No luck there.
> Hoipe you can help.
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