I have been thinking this for a while and also posted this sometime
But, I understand Cake should be a tiny and tight framework for many
people here.

So, I envision something new on the top of CakePHP--CakePlus, a
complete toolkit to build contemporary UIMS based sites. And, thinking
of hosting in Google Code or SF.net.

Basic idea for the toolkit:
1. Bundle MiBake template, Asset helper, Bindable behavior, Validation
helper, Sluggable behavior, and other nice hacks & plugs from  Daniel
Hofstetter (http://cakebaker.42dh.com), Andy Dawson ( http://www.ad7six.com/
), Matt (http://www.pseudocoder.com/), Mariano Iglesias
2. Bundle hacks from the post of grigri (especially the generic
controller), baz, franky, and other GG contributors
3. Bundle a default "users" mod
4. Bundle jQuery, but use event delegations (check BehaviorS.js)
5. 100% degradable Ajax (autocomplete, inline-editing, popup, date
picker, client side validation--see Matt's Validation helper)
6. Bundle Eric Meyer's reset.css. New CSS framework (liquid, IE 5
7. Default themed views
8. Distinguish between "vendors" and "libs"
9. Unified pattern for sharing codes betweens M, V & C
10. Admin interface.
11. Bundle ACL/Auth
12. All PHP codes to be beautified with PHP_Beautifier

Changes to core:
1. Remove compatibility and hacks (e.g.,
2. Remove regexp wherever possible (e.g.,
3. Remove scaffolding. Replace with UIMS: Let the users to build
forms, define user level-based validation rules, etc
4. Remove Translate Behavior. Replace with i18n behavior
5. Remove gettext based i18n. Replace with DB based.
6. Remove Session, Cookie, XML, Configure wrappers. Todo: find a
better solution
7. Change dispatcher to make the default URL scheme to /foos for
index, /foo/id for view, /foo/edit/id for edit, /foo/add for add
8. Remove Felix's Set, Http Socket stuffs. Or move them to vendors
9. Remove or change ACL/Auth and Caching stuffs
10. Remove debugger. Or move to vendor (xdebug seems better)
11. PHP 5. Other version supports by downgrading (http://
www.akbkhome.com/svn/akpear/PHP_DownGrade/DownGrade.php, Alan Knowles)
12. Pluggable caching & template systems
13. Remove plugins. Replace with new "mods" architecture (mods
contributed through wiki or svn for quick improvements) which could be
installed through admin interface (Say, a "gallary" mod could be
plugged easily)

1. 100% open (svn, wiki, Google groups)
2. No IRC
3. All discussions through Google groups
4. All docs and architecture drafts through Wiki
5. On conflict of interests/architecture opinions, branch the project
6. No authority. Tagline: "Developers are no morons".

   Comments and suggestions are always welcome.

  <?php echo 'Just another PHP saint'; ?>
Email: rrjanbiah-at-Y!com    Blog: http://rajeshanbiah.blogspot.com/
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